Danish program list
This program list includes: Thor + Sirius + Astra.
172 Kb |
Dansk manual
848 Kb |
Digiality 3610 SMATV 112 CX Version 23 PDA Software
This is the *.bin file that has to be installed on the PDA
1533 Kb |
Digiality 3612 SMATV 112 VC Version 23 PDA Software
This is the *.bin file that has to be installed on the PDA
1533 Kb |
Digiality 3612 SMATV 112 VC Version 23 PDA Software
This is the *.bin file that has to be installed on the PDA
1533 Kb |
Digiality CX-CI 203 M Version 2.00 Software (DOS)
This file contains the software for the Digiality CX CI 203M. Choose Serial_down1 or serial_down2 according to which COM port you use.
941 Kb |
Digiality CX-CI 203 Version 8 Dos Software
This file contains the software for the Digiality CX CI 203. This file installs itself and a shortcut to the program. Choose Serial_down1 or serial_down2 according to which COM port you use.
1289 Kb |
Digiality CX-CI 203 Version 8 PDA Software
This is the *.bin file that has to be installed on the PDA
1523 Kb |
Digiality CX-CI 203 Version 8 Software
This file contains the software for the Digiality CX CI 203. You will need the new Download Software before installing.
1261 Kb |
Digiality CX-CI 304 Software Version 16.05
Please read the release notes before you update your receiver.
1505 Kb |
Digiality FTA/CI 20X Version 17 DOS Software
This file contains the software for the Digiality FTA CI 20X. This file installs itself and a shortcut to the program. Choose Serial_down1 or serial_down2 according to which COM port you use.
1254 Kb |
Digiality FTA/CI 20X Version 17 PDA Software
This is the *.bin file that has to be installed on the PDA
1598 Kb |
Digiality FTA/CI 20X Version 17 Software
This file contains the software for the Digiality FTA/CI 20X. You will need the new Download Software before installing.
1226 Kb |
Digiality PDA Edit v 1.3 [NEW Version]
With this program you can edit the program list in your Digiality Receiver. You need a PDA like HP IPAQ 2210 to use this program. Now including danish manual Supports: FTA 200, CI 202, FTA 200 M, CX-XI 203, VC-CI 304, SMATV 112
2905 Kb |
Digiality SMATV 112 CX Software Version 23 DOS Software
This file contains the software for the Digiality SMATV 112 CX. This file installs itself and a shortcut to the program. Choose Serial_down1 or serial_down2 according to which COM port you use.
925 Kb |
Digiality SMATV 112 CX Software Version 23 Software
This file contains the software for the Digiality 3610 SMATV 112 CX. You will need the new Download Software before installing.
883 Kb |
Digiality SMATV 112 VC Software Version 23 DOS Software
This file contains the software for the Digiality SMATV 112 VC. This file installs itself and a shortcut to the program. Choose Serial_down1 or serial_down2 according to which COM port you use.
1067 Kb |
Digiality SMATV 112 VC Software Version 23 Software
This file contains the software for the Digiality 3612 SMATV 112. You will need the new Download Software before installing.
1025 Kb |
Digiality T-2000 FTA Software release for DOS version 10.00
Please read the release note before you update. Bemærk ! Vi kan pt. ikke anbefale danske kunder at opdatere til denne software version.
1106 Kb |
Digiality T-2001 CX Software Relase for DOS version 10.00
Please read the release note before you update. Bemærk ! Vi kan pt. ikke anbefale danske kunder at opdatere til denne software version.
1155 Kb |
Digiality VC-CI 104 download program
You need this program to download software into the VC-CI 104 receiver
6242 Kb |
Digiality VC-CI 104 Software Version 19
This software are the latest release, for this product. Please read the release notes before you update. Release note included in zip file
663 Kb |
Digiality VC-CI 204 Software Version 9
Software for the VC-CI 204 receiver
1282 Kb |
Digiality VC-CI 204 Software Version 9 DOS
This file contains the software for the Digiality VC CI 204. This file installs itself and a shortcut to the program. Choose Serial_down1 or serial_down2 according to which COM port you use
1338 Kb |
Digiality Wava Multimedia Box Firmware V 3.20
The new firmware for the Digiality Wava Multimedia Box. See enclosed Release Notes.
1839 Kb |
English manual
English manual
1504 Kb |
Maximum C-801 and C-802 software
Maximum C-801 and C-802 software (cable) version 6.00 Card update problem in Finland is fixed.
838 Kb |
Maximum FTA 100 S software (Satellite)
Maximum FTA 100 software (satellite) version 3.9. The software includes OSD translations into Czech and Slovenian.
868 Kb |
Maximum FTA 100 T software (Terrstrial)
Maximum FTA 100 software (Terrstrial) version 5.2.
898 Kb |
Maximum S-800 FTA v.4.48 software
New software for the S-800 FTA receiver.
913 Kb |
Maximum S-900 FTA and S-901 CX software
Maximum S-900 FTA and S-901 CX software version 7.00
1346 Kb |
Maximum T-1000 FTA software
Maximum T-1000 FTA software (terrestrial) version 5.02. (DVB) Subtitling problem in Finland is fixed.
713 Kb |
Maximum T-1001 CX software
Maximum T-1001 CX software (terrestrial) version 6.00. Conax card update problem is fixed.
754 Kb |
Maximum T-800 FTA software
Maximum T-800 FTA software (terrestrial) version 5.02 (DVB) Subtitling problem in Finland is fixed.
705 Kb |
Maximum T-801 CX software
Maximum T-801 CX software (terrestrial) version 6.00. Card update problem in Finland is fixed.
825 Kb |
Maximum T900 FTA Software Version 3 DOS
Software for the Maximum T-900 FTA. Please read the release notes. Software version v3.0
1341 Kb |
Maximum T-901 CX Software Version 3 DOS
Software for the Maximum T-901 CX. Please read the release notes. Software version v3.0
1369 Kb |
Software + Driver for Digiality BG100 WLAN USB
This is the latest version for windows
10010 Kb |
Unnisat 1 software and programedit. 21/12-01
Software and programedit for the Unnisat1 receiver. The software fix the hanning problem on Astra transponers
905 Kb |
Unnisat 2 software
The following has been fixed 1 Improvmend of the Favorite menu 2 P2,P3... automatically updated PID value. 3 Nit searching has been improved 4 Some searching speed up
923 Kb |