The consumers demands for flexibility in furnishing and thereby also their demands for flexibility in installations are increasing. The TV and the rest of the electronic devices in the households are not always placed nearby each other, the way it used to be, when the TV was the pivotal point, placed in the living room with all other devices (VCR, satellite receiver, DVD, extra loudspeakers etc.) just next to it.
Today the consumers wants their entertainment to be available in many different rooms in the house. This makes huge demands for the right high quality distribution of signals - sound and picture signals - over longer distances in the house.
Knowing that both satellite receivers, DVDs and many other "sources" can deliver High Definition signals for the TV, it is important to make sure, that all sources are able to be connected to the TV - at the same time. Most TVs today have only 1 input for HD - named HDMI or DVI connection. So if you have more than 1 source (satellite receiver, DVD or other) it is nessesary to have an external switch in order to connect these HD-sources at the same time.
A transfer via »analog component« would be able to transfer High Definition pictures analogous in a - for some people - satisfactorily quality. However the film companies demands for protection against copying - like HDCP - will create conflict, when all devices in the long-term are coded with HDCP.
Kjaerulff 1 A/S is glad to present a co-operation with Gefen Inc. regarding products for distribution, switching and extension within handling of High Definition signals. Gefen products are used all over the world - by both professional AV/IT companies and by private persons in home-cinema solutions. Gefen products are increasing - and to some extend also improving - other products functionalities. Gefen offers solutions for many signal types, like: HDMI, DVI, dual link DVI, HD-SDI, SDI, VGA, RCA, USB, Firewire and RS-232. Also Gefen produces a wide range of cables - passive and active - for many purposes.