With the environmental approval of the Ecolabel Kjaerulff 1 now launches a complete new environment friendly DVB-T receiver series with extreme low power consumption.
The Ecolabelling emphasizes that the products are energy-efficient, and that they have reduced use of non-environmental and unhealthy materials, such as heavy metals and inflammable materials. The products are also developed with particular reference to be repaired and regained using environmentally friendly methods.
The first models in the DVB-T series are the free-to-air model Digiality T-500 CX for the Nordic market and the open Conax model Digiality T-501 CX for the export markets.
With the introduction of the Ecolabelled receiver products Kjaerulff 1 ones again shows to be at the forefront of development.
About Eco label
The co label makes it easy to point out the environment friendly receiver products. The Eco label guarantees that the products are among the least environmentally incriminating within the product category of DVB-receivers.
In general the Eco label guarantees:
That products are among the least environmentally incriminating within the product category
That consideration has been made towards persons healthiness
That the product quality is good
For product specifications see:
Digiality T-500 CX (Nordic model)
Digiality T-501 CX (Export models)