
Welcome to Kjaerulff 1 website.

The Kjaerulff 1 website is established by Kjaerulff 1 A/S, C.F. Tietgens Boulevard 19, 5220 Odense SØ, Denmark. CVR no. 25282787.

Access (login/password)
Specific parts of the Kjaerulff 1 website is reserved for K1-dealers and other K1-partners. In order to gain access to these parts of the website specific logins and passwords are required.
Kjaerulff 1 alone is within its right to assign - and to deprive - logins and passwords to K1-dealers and K1-partners. 

Changes to the website
Kjaerulff 1 reserve the right to make changes at any time to this website. All information - including information regarding products, prices, support etc. - can be changed without any notice.
Kjaerulff 1 make reservations in regards to misprint on this website.

Intellectual property right
Everything shown on this website is protected by the law concerning intellectual property rights.
All text, articles, photos etc. is provided for the reader to see and to read. It is not allowed to take copies in any digital or electronic form (with reference to Danish and international law).  
It is allowed to take copies in printed form (i.e. on paper) for private use. Any other kind of use will require a permission from Kjaerulff 1 A/S.
Registered trademarks
Digiality® and Maximum® are registered trademarks for Kjaerulff 1 A/S, Denmark. All misuse - or use without written persmission from Kjaerullf 1 A/S - of these names and marks are strictly forbidden with reference to Danish and international law. 
Other products, brand names, marks or company names mentioned on this website can be the property of other companys.

No guarantee
The Kjaerulff 1 website is provided as "existing" and "available". Kjaerulff 1 does not guarantee that the website can be seen or reached by anybody at any time. Also Kjaerulff 1 does not guarantee the website is free of virus. Anybody accessing the website and using the website content is responsible for observance of all current and existing legislation regarding use of websites.

Links / hyperlinks
On the Kjaerulff 1 website there are links to other websites. All links and hyperlinks are made in agreement and with permission from the owners of these other websites.
Links to Kjaerulff 1 website is only allowed after agreement with Kjaerulff 1 A/S. Links must be made to the frontpage of the website, and it must be clearly stated, that Kjaerulff 1 is the owner/establisher of the website. 

Subscription to newsletter
Kjaerulff 1 offers K1-dealers and K1-partners access to newsletter information by a "signup for newsletter" function. All e-mail addresses and company information given to Kjaerulff 1 by signing up, will be treated with complete respect and protected accordingly to existing legislation. Kjaerulff 1 will use the data only for communication purpose, and no data will be handed over to any 3rd part.



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