site info

Welcome to Kjaerulff 1 website.

Technical specifications
This website is designed for optimal view on a screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels. The website can though be seen with 800x600 pixels or more.
The website can be browsed with webbrowsers later than Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 version. Javascript must be turned on.
Colours and graphics
On this website are used web-safe colours. This means that all colours will be reproduced in a correct way. Only exception is photographs (takes 16 bit colours).
Plug-ins are not needed to view this website. To get the best impression we recommend to install (minimum) Flash 5 Player.
Get the latest Flash Player here!
Most downloads on this website requires ACROBAT READER.
Get the latest Acrobat Reader here!

Intellectual property right
Everything you see on this website is protected by the law concerning intellectual property rights.

All text, articles, photos etc. is provided for the reader to see and to read. It is not allowed to take copies in any digital or electronic form (with reference to Danish and international law).  
It is allowed to take copies in printed form (i.e. on paper) for private use. Any other kind of use will require a permission from Kjaerulff 1 A/S.

Web Content Management System
NetmanagerTM by DigiEyez A/S, Denmark

Development and hosting
DigiEyez A/S, Denmark

Sterch, Denmark




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