industry associations

Kjaerulff 1 works closely with the respectively industry associations on the markets where the company is represented.

  In Denmark Kjaerulff 1 is a member of the Danish industry association BFE (Branchen ForbrugerElektronik)
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To read more about the digitalisation process in Denmark - go to  www.digitaliseringen.dk

In Sweden Kjaerulff 1 is a member of the Swedish industry association CANT (Antenn- och kabel-TV-branschens branschförening)
- to see more go to www.cant.se

Norway In Norway Kjaerulff 1 is a member of the Norwegian industry association norske Elektronikkbransjen who is representing suppliers, repair shops, dealers and chains within consumer electronics
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In Finland Kjaerulff 1 works together with various Finnish industry associations:

ETK, Elektroniikan Tukkukauppiaat - to seemore go to  www.etkry.com

Digita, yleistä informaatiota digi-TV:stä - to see more go to  www.digitv.fi

DigiTV-Info - to see more go to  www.digitv.fi/sivu.asp?path=1;4052

Viestintävirasto - Digitaalinen televisio
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Kodintekniikka-alan Tiedotusfoorumii - to see more go to  www.kotek.fi


In Germany Kjaerulff 1 GmbH is a member of the German industry association Grola BG (Großhandels- und Lagerei- Berufsgenossenschaft)
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